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Phimosis cure Blog : Helpful illustrated articles

Phimosis treatment

How can I cure Phimosis by stretching?

Phimosis is a completely curable condition and can be 100% cured with consistent stretching of the foreskin. All you need to do is apply consistent...
Phimosis: Causes and Risk Factors for Tight Foreskin -Phimostretch

Phimosis: Causes and Risk Factors for Tight Foreskin -Phimostretch

It is often cited that only 3 to 5 % of male uncircumcised population will have phimosis at some point. However the recent data suggests that this ...
Should you really have Surgery or Circumcision if you have Phimosis? -Phimostretch

Should you really have Surgery or Circumcision if you have Phimosis? -Phimostretch

There is a lot of misinformation regarding phimosis in general, but especially online. Most doctors just want you to believe that the only solution...
Do you need to use Cream for Tight Foreskin or Phimosis? -Phimostretch

Do you need to use Cream for Tight Foreskin or Phimosis? -Phimostretch

This is a common question that people are always curious about when they have a tight foreskin. Tight foreskin can be interpreted differently fro...