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Circumcision for Phimosis: Risks and Complications of Surgery for Tight Foreskin

Circumcision or the surgical removal of foreskin that covers the glans of penis is a fairly common procedure for children that comes with a fair share of complications in adults. The rates of circumcision procedures have been drastically lowering in the United States as more and more people are becoming aware of these risks. As the patient age increases, the risk of circumcision procedure exponentially increases even in children, so the degree of damage it can cause in adults if performed for phimosis treatment can only be imagined. Further, there is no proof that the procedure is necessary for phimosis treatment; in fact, in some cases, it leaves behind a huge scar making phimosis worse. 

The risks that come with the surgical procedure can be short-term in the form of bleeding, inflammation and pain or it can even lead to severe post-surgical complications like glanular amputation and glanular necrosis, which would necessarily require a follow up surgical procedure for correction. In some cases, the results are permanent and nothing can be done. With circumcision, not only do you sacrifice your foreskin which plays a crucial real in feeling pleasure sensations during sex but also you risk altering your penis completely and not in a good way. Some risks are irreversible. We don’t want to give you a jump scare but it is our job to be honest with you, even buried penis and penile amputation (surgical loss of penis) have been reported in various research articles. Doesn’t sound pleasant, right? 

So, are you ready to face these risks and is it even necessary to get circumcised? When it comes to medical conditions like phimosis, circumcision is not necessary at all as phimotic rings have already proven to help hundreds of thousands of men worldwide. And, generally also, no, you don’t need to be circumcised at all unless absolutely indicated by your doctor for treating any severe medical conditions. Phimosis is not a condition that would ever require taking such a drastic step as it can be easily reversed with the help of rings but your foreskin once cut cannot be recovered easily. So, don’t just be pressured to opt for circumcision for phimosis so ever. While we respect personal choices when it comes to advanced surgical procedures like circumcision, which is performed on such a sensitive part of the body, we feel that surgery should not at all be the norm, but, the last resort in all cases especially when it comes to a reversible condition like phimosis that can be corrected with simple stretching rings. Aren’t conservative treatments always the best? Are they not worth a fair try before you decide signing up for well, you know what by now. In our humble opinion, you must try your best to save yourself from such a risky procedure at all costs and only go for it if no other methods work. But, you won't ever have to have that fate as we are always here to guide you with your phimosis treatment at home. 

The debate on the risks of circumcision is not new. It has always been argued that circumcision is a completely unnecessary and painful procedure in most cases without any promised gains especially when it comes to phimosis treatment. In many cases, circumcision leaves behind a huge scar that worsens your phimotic band and makes your phimosis worse. Despite the risks and lack of proof of its efficiency, the procedure continues to be performed worldwide because of the innate social push towards the practice or the belief that it improves personal health and hygiene. But, does it? No, in fact, the surgery definitely increases your risk of infections especially if performed by an untrained professional.

Note that even if you have phimosis, you can lead a perfectly normal if not a better life with your foreskin. Like everything in nature, your foreskin is also there for a reason. And, the reason is pleasure. Being a sensitive area, the foreskin immensely contributes to pleasure and satisfaction while engaging in sexual activity. Those who have had circumcision often miss the excitement they used to have but alas nothing can be done later. We at Phimostretch are here to help you relieve your tight foreskin issues without having to pay such a huge price with the help of our Phimostretch rings set of 20 marked rings. Wastage of hard-earned money, risk of post-surgical complications, loss of pleasure sensations, there are only losses when it comes to circumcision and we don’t like that so we designed our ergonomic rings to help individuals with different size, shapes, lengths, widths and diameter of penis. Whether you suffer from mild or extremely severe phimosis, we guarantee that our product will work for you. Enough about our rings, we love them so much that can't stop talking about them :). We promise that this article will not be all about us. It will mostly focus on educating you about the risks and complications associated with circumcision procedures in men so that you can make an informed choice when it comes to phimosis treatment. These risks have been carefully studied over the years among post-operative patients and will provide you with the whole picture so you can make the right decision regarding something as big as a whole surgery on a part that is as precious as your penis.

Risks and complications of circumcision in adults

The risks and complications of circumcision are many but are only known to a few. As many as 67% of men are completely unaware of the risks of circumcision and another large percentage remains unsure of these risks. Only 17% are aware of its complications and only 13% are able to pick the right physician for performing their procedure. Circumcision is not as easy as to perform as it is claimed in common culture. Not everyone can do it but they would definitely go for it leading to a high-risk situation. The procedures requires the use of advanced surgical skills, great attention to detail, good hygiene practices and choosing the right surgical technique for the patient. Hence, complications do occur as most practitioners are not too skilled when it comes to performing the procedure on adults, which is not common practice.

After careful analysis of available literature cited from tens of research articles from reputed medical journals studying the results of circumcision in adults, we have gathered the following risks:

Let’s get to these one by one:

  • Bleeding

Starting with the most common risk, bleeding. Of course, bleeding is a common side effect after many surgical procedures and circumcision is no exception. As many as 32% of the total circumcision surgeries performed lead to the side effect of excessive bleeding in adult patients. But just gets tricky if the bleeding does not stop. This is a particularly dangerous side effect for people with bleeding disorders and coagulation defects as the bleeding would not stop and can even prove to be fatal. Although bleeding at the site is most common after circumcision, bleeding from frenular artery has also been commonly reported which can be tough to stop. Blood transfusion or administration of coagulation factors would be needed to stop bleeding in such cases and if you’re lucky, it would stop. Hence, people who are unaware of their medical history and family history must opt out of surgery especially when conservative alternatives are easily available.

  • Pain

Just like bleeding, pain is a common side effect that is usually short-term and mostly subsides over the next few days. But, what if it doesn’t, right? If pain does not decrease after a few days, it would indicate that there is another late complication of the procedure. This would require immediately medical attention and possibly even a re-surgery or a new surgery for the correction of the cause of pain.

  • Post-surgical site infection

Imagine something as nasty as an infection in your private areas. When opting for circumcision, you can definitely make this nightmare a reality. Along with local site infections, in adult patients, the risk of polymicrobial infections is much higher, which means that not only would you suffer from a severe infection but also it would also be relatively difficult to treat with normal antibiotics. While the risk of infection goes down with the adoption of proper hygiene procedures like good wound care and regular application of ointment, it also depends on the skills of your surgeon, the advancement of their technique as well as their own dedication towards sanitation and hygiene, which you cannot be 100% sure of even if you go to a good treatment center. Anyhow, some broad spectrum antibiotics may help in such cases as they are commonly prescribed to manage these infections.

  • Hematoma

Hematoma basically refers to collection of blood in a space that is outside a blood vessel. It is like a clot of blood that has collected around the site of surgery, most commonly, around the area where the anaesthesia had been injected before starting the procedure. It is another severe side effect that would need to be managed immediately by the medical team. Also, if not hematoma, the use of general anesthesia, which is administered before starting the circumcision procedure, also has several disadvantages in all patients including allergic reactions or anaphylaxis. Hence, it is crucial to be aware of your medical history before opting for surgical procedures otherwise fatal complications can occur. On the other hand, when using conservative methods like rings for the treatment of phimosis, you can be sure that you won't encounter even one of the risks listed in this article, not even pain. 

  • Glanular necrosis and glanular amputation

Not so fun names, not so fun complications. This risk is exactly what it sounds like, necrosis (irreversible death of the tissue) of the glans penis and amputation (elimination) of the glans tissue (head or tip of the penis) following circumcision procedure. These complications occur basically due to the selection of poor surgical techniques by the physician, lack of sanitation at the medical center, severe lack of experience of the physician or just accidentally cutting too much, in simpler terms. These risks are far more common in adults when compared to neonates especially as an individual ages.

The management of such grave complications depends on the degree of their severity. In minor cases of necrosis, local wound care and topical antibiotics could be enough to help but in severe necrosis, another surgical procedure called suprapubic diversion would be necessary to reverse the damage. In case of amputation, another surgery is the only treatment. If such extreme complications are left untreated, they would negatively impact your quality of life as your sexual health would be severely impacted and you’d be at a greater risk of urinary infections so you'd have no choice but to get another corrective surgery, which who knows, may work or not.

Considering all the risks, it can be most definitely said that conservative treatment methods like the use of stretching rings must be the first choice for treating phimosis. If your doctor does not give you that choice, you must give the choice to yourself and embark on a self-improvement journey to treat your phimosis with the help of Phimostretch Phimosis Stretcher Kit. 

Complete penile amputation

Saved the worst for the last. Yes, complete penile amputation (complete loss of penis) does occur in rare cases of circumcision surgeries when either the physician has used extremely poor surgical technique or has selected the wrong treatment clasps. Lack of clinical experience in performing circumcision surgeries is much more common as you’d guess because circumcision is not a common procedure to be performed in adults. Hence, most surgeons not only lack the necessary skills required for performing the procedure safely in adults but are also unaware of the risks thereby they feel to exercise necessary caution during procedures.

Be careful with the choices you make when it comes to phimosis treatment as it can lead to permanent irreversible damage and life won’t be the same ever. Having said that, depending on the degree of damage, penile amputation would either be reversible or irreversible. Either way, you would have to live with the consequences. If your lacerated, amputated penis is restored by your team of doctors, it would be conserved in normal saline and would be reattached when suitable. If it is not restored on time, well, we are speechless here.

The bottom line

Our job was to make you aware of the many risks of circumcision surgery. Now, if the procedure is worth the risk or not, that’s totally on you to figure out. Of course, there are some frustrations associated with phimosis and it does seem tempting to try and go for a quick surgical fix rather than working on yourself with rings daily. But, is the price worth paying? You decide. 

Nonetheless, we here are just a bunch of good peeps still offering you our rings at a discounted price without any of these side effects. Just saying!

Okay, what if I don’t get circumcised?

As many as 70% of men all over the world are uncircumcised and are living a happy life with a great penis and healthy foreskin that retracts. Join the uncircumcised club today. Even with phimosis, you can live the same life and enjoy great sex over time. Leave the "hows" on us and our many years of experience in the field. Trust us, circumcision is no guarantee for treating phimosis. In fact, in a lot of cases, it can make your symptoms much worse as the scar tissue develops and restricts the normal movement of foreskin. This happens if healing process is compromised leading to the development of excessive scar tissue which takes the form of fibrotic ring that is very much responsible for causing phimosis. So, in our opinion, it is a smarter choice to not get circumcised whether or not you are suffering from phimosis. Because, there are much safer methods to treat phimosis. We believe that the quickest solution is not always the best. Even though stretching at home with Phimostretch rings would require more time and patience in observing results when compared to surgery, no one would ever face any side effects when using rings nor would they ever lose their precious foreskin, which plays a crucial role in feeling pleasure sensations during sex. 

When it gets down to practical comparison, with no risks, no complications at all, comparatively minimal costs, no emotional burden, high treatment results, better discretion and privacy of your condition, Phimostretch rings will always win over circumcision any day. That's not our word but that of our valuable customers and we gotta believe that. Phimostretch rings provide an easy, at-home alternative to an otherwise painful, complicated and risky surgical procedure, which we hope none of our clients have to ever face. As the pioneers and manufacturers of high quality medical-grade silicone rings in the market, we know what we are doing and offer guaranteed results in few weeks of using our product. Check out our “How to Use” page if you are new to the website for getting started.

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